David Ayala

A Little Can Go a Long Way

David Ayala
A Little Can Go a Long Way

Lately, I’ve had the word “purpose” on my mind. If I’m honest, it’s a thought and word that has always been present in my heart and mind growing up. I would wonder what my purpose is and how to walk towards it. I would try new things and hope that I would land in it. The word purpose holds so much meaning and power yet I felt it was so vague. I am sure some of you can relate? I am not saying I have all the answers to all these questions but I turn to the one who does. The Lord! I have learned I can cast all my wonder to Him and He is gracious, patient and faithful to direct all my steps. Our purpose is to obey Him, praise Him and glorify His name in everything we do. Now this can look different for each of us. God has given us different talents and gifts that we can offer back to Him. Maybe it’s not much right now, but in the hands of the Lord, He can use it for great purpose. You might not feel like the best preacher, musician, designer, or what ever it is the lord is calling you to, but when we offer our small beginnings to Him, He can do more than we ever imagined. When God called Moses, he felt unqualified to fulfill the purpose he had for him. When God called Gideon, his clan was the smallest and he was the least of his family. When David was anointed to be king, he was just a boy who pastored in the fields. I encourage you to pursue the purpose of God over your life and you will find that in His hands, a little can go a long way.

Here is God’s promise when we do that:

Philippians 1:6 NLT

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

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