David Ayala


David Ayala

Growing up, church has always been a huge part of my life. Ever since I can remember my weekends were spent at church. Sunday’s were always reserved whether I liked it or not! I’ve heard countless sermons and preachings growing up. From attending Sunday classes as a child and hearing bible stories to youth retreats and Sunday morning services. Some messages I don’t remember by heart and others that really marked me. Though I don’t remember them all, they all have one thing In common. Each message was a seed planted in my heart. A seed that with time I’ve seen grow. God’s word has always been a lifeline to hold on too. I hope this post can be that for you. Regardless of how you feel or what circumstance you find yourself in. Here is a seed that God want’s to plant in your heart…

2 Corinthians 12:9 English Standard Version (ESV)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I can’t tell you how many times i’ve heard and read this verse growing up. What’s crazy to me is despite how many times I’ve heard it, God always has something new to reveal and teach. Maybe this is your first time reading this verse. Regardless, there is a message for you. That message is the message of Grace. God’s grace. This past weekend I was reminded of God’s grace towards us. Grace is the underserved favor and love of God given to us. Given for you and me. Often time’s during my weakest moments, I forget that God’s grace is with me. That his grace is sufficient. Life has a way of taking us through a roller coaster of high’s and low’s. This ride at times can make us tired and weak. It can also show us that we are not the most perfect people. That we have flaws and even fail at times. Often times it can lead us down a road we ourselves never expected. Trust me, I know ! Yet, he tells us in this verse, his grace is sufficient. See the devil and God operate in two completely different ways. The devil reminds you of your weakness and your flaws first. Then, he throws so many things your way in a attempt to keep you there. Yet Christ in this passage, BEFORE mentioning your weakness tells you that his Grace is sufficient for you. He continues by telling you that HIS power is made perfect in your weakness. Now his intention here wasn’t to give us the green light to do what we want and continue in our sin. He tells us that he knows all your weaknesses, all your mistakes and that his Grace is sufficient for you. The price was paid for on the cross. He not only tells us this but then continues by giving us the solution. HIS power in which we can change will be made perfect in our weakness. Unlike the devil, he won’t keep you there. In order for the other parts to move we need to know and accept first that his grace is sufficient. It’s not a promise that things will be perfect from here on out but that his grace is with you along the way. His grace is sufficient for you my friend :)

This weekend I had the privilege to serve at our church youth conference. I took a few shots and I hope you enjoy!!
